Here is a new side most of us have not seen from this Sconsin crooner —a jazzy, swingin’ side. A far diversion from what we have come to know about him and his fantastic songs. Back in April when he joined the Eau Claire Memorial High School Jazz Ensemble for an eight-song set. The session included standards and re-worked versions of Bon Iver songs “For Emma” and “Lump Sum.”
Fans of Bon Iver should check out A Decade With Duke, which compiles both the ensemble’s performance and the set with Vernon. If noting else it should make you kick yourself for not going out for band in High School. Reports say physical CDs are available only in Eau Claire, though it will be able to download the album at iTunes, Amazon.com, and other retail outlets. Proceeds will go to Memorial High School's music program. Or as The Onion A/V Club calls it "Officially the coolest fund-raiser of any music program in the country."
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